I will now make the case for Neuro-Typical Spectrum Disorder (NTSD). It is a tragic disorder which affects approximately 994 people in every 1000. It is characterised by an irrational obsession with social situations, impaired mental capacity, a fear of people not on the spectrum or different from themselves in any other way and using unconnected descriptions to illustrate basic points. It is more prominent in females.
The causes are unknown, but is generally believed to believed to be genetic; though some argue that it is due to a mercury deficiency, there is little , if any, scientific evidence to back this claim. Though there is no cure, there are many treatments to alleviate the symptoms. Though often crippling if untreated, after treatment, many can become valuable members of society. There are many charities set up to help those affected, including Cure All Neuro-Typicals (CANT) and NT Speaks.
If you think someone you know has NTSD, contact a specialist.
For more information: The Institute for the Study of the Neurologically Typical
I'm gradually being cured of NTSD since moving into Springboard 1. It's all the influences.
Yeah, I agree (though as I said in the post, there is no cure, but you're learning to cope with your difficulties). Also I think you're one of the few people to actually understand what I'm going on about. NT's can be so literal.
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