Social disconnection, appearing to be in a world of their own, thinking they're the centre of the universe, lack of understanding of social norms and unpredictable behaviour are just some of the main symptoms of a rock star. If you consider your typical cliche of a rock-star, then consider traits of autism you find that they're surprisingly similar. It's probably in a large part due to heavy drug use. Which brings me to my next point (not really, I'm just making this up as I go), that heavy drug use can create someone who has many parallels to an autistic. I originally planned this post to be about a rock n' roll lifestyle with autism, but now that I've mentioned drugs I may as well mention sex. After trying to think of what to say here for about ten minutes I decided to try some research. So I typed "sex autism" into Google and was shocked at the results: no porn. As I am desperate to think of something to write about I am going to roll with this idea, Aspie porn. Why isn't there any? The internet caters for every other philia or fetish, so why not autism? If the answer isn't immediately obvious then you should consider getting checked out by a psychiatrist.
It's half twelve at night and this post proves that I shouldn't write this late. To be honest, I only started this post because I came up with what I thought was a cool name (which I may use if I ever write an autobiography). If nothing else this post should have given you an idea of what my half asleep mind thinks of. Unfortunately, after heavy analysis, it appears that all I think of is porn.
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