Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Camp Pt3

Continued from part 2. Finally.

I got woken up at half six and then went on a two hour car ride to get to a two and a half hour coach ride to stand around for about an hour to get on another coach for a six and a half journey to finally arrive at my destination at seven. We then had tea. After this we went for an hour walk, hung around a park for about half an hour, then walked back and got shown to our dorms and went to bed.
My sister was also there, though I didn't talk to her much as she was in a different activity group and there wasn't much time left for socialising during the day. It was a very different atmosphere to the camp before. For one the first camp had less than twenty five people, whereas this one had about a hundred. On the whole I think I integrated pretty well into my group.
By the end of the week I was very tired, having not slept properly for nearly two weeks. At one point I punched a wall because I was so tired, though I'm not sure exactly why.
When it was time to go I got packed and then when through the whole routine of getting there but in reverse, except that the second coach arrived at it's destination two hours late, and then I got onto a train which was having rail replacements so we then had to get on a coach for about an hour after which I was essentially home. Then I slept.

We now return to regular broadcasting.

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