Saturday, 24 January 2009

Guy Fawkes night 08

OK, here's a real post. Finally. It's been about 5 months since I've really posted anything. Unfortunately I'm going to write about something from 2 and a half months ago, so it's a bit fuzzy. For this Guy Fawkes night we went down to Lewes in Sussex, as they have the largest celebration of it in the world. When we got there about half the windows on the shops were boarded up as they apparently break quite regularly during the celebrations. Once it started it was like nothing I've ever been to before. Hundreds of people parading through the streets with torches, chucking small fireworks everywhere. At a  couple of points they had people with thousands of firecrackers tied together, and when they went off it was deafening. Anyway here are some photos (I only seem to upload photos of fire for some reason): 

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