Tuesday, 26 May 2009


I have decided to see what being nocturnal is like, hence writing this at half four in the morning. I'm probably going to keep doing it until a couple of days before the end of the half term holidays so that I have some time to readjust my sleep pattern.
I started yesterday and didn't go to bed until eight AM and got up at six PM. On the whole not much to report except the obvious things like how strange it is to hear birds singing and to see the sun rise (well I can't actually see the sun, but the sky gets lighter). There's also the loneliness and boredom to get past during the night, which is why I'm online.
I am starting to feel slightly tired, but I should be fine for a while.
I'm going to start work on another post soon, probably about my personality quirks, and I'm contemplating doing a major post after that.

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