Sunday, 23 May 2010

Thinking about thinking

This post might be a tad under done, as I've left myself fifteen minutes to do it. I have also chosen one of the hardest topics, with very little structure. So it should this should be interesting.
Recently I've spent a lot of time thinking about thought and how it varies form person to person. For example, try counting from 1 to 60 in your head, attempting to guess the length of a minute. When I do this I hear a voice counting each number. I was discussing this with someone who said that when she did it she imagined a hand writing each number. This is a type of visual thinking. Although I was aware of visual thinking before, when I researched it I was surprised to find that visual thinking is actually the most common form of thought, with approximately 60% of people mainly using thinking in this way. When I think it's like having a conversation with myself, with all the sarcasm that includes. Just out of wonderment, does anyone else sarcastically mock their own thoughts?
Of course it depends on what I'm thinking about to how I think. For example, when doing maths if I have to make x the subject of an equation, along with using spoken thought I'll also start thinking of the numbers and letters as having relationships with one another, so if say +6y is moved over to the other side to being -6y it feels like the 6y has left the side it was with, but only with the intent of damaging the new side. Also I sometimes connect each number with having it's own personality, for example 2 is confident.
I've ran out of time, I'll expand later.

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