Sunday, 4 July 2010

Prom update

Remember the post a few weeks ago about the prom date competition?
Well, it failed.
For everyone involved (one said it hadn't failed for them, but it had really. And another apparently got a date, but she was a no show)
Apart from that, the main point of interest at prom, at least for me, was my choice of attire. I wore a shiny blue dress with little sparkles, light make-up, straightened hair and some incredibly painful stilettos. I was trying to make a statement about gender stereotypes or something, I'm not really sure. But it got some rather confused looks. Only problem I now have is how to top it at a future prom.

Well, this post kind of sucked. It felt like it should have gone on for longer. But I don't really have anything else to say on the topic.
So, urm, how are you?

Well this post could get awkward, what with you expecting it to be good and me just sitting here writing nothing. Or perhaps you've learnt to expect such things.

La la lala. So why do you bother reading this blog? Is it to learn about life from a different perspective, or just to make your life seem more exciting by comparison?

Well I should go now, it's 1am (though it won't be when this posts) and I'm going to watch mock the week. So I'll speak to you later. If you bother to return. Or for that matter I bother to return. And as long as you don't realise I'm not really talking to you, but I hear that you should involve your audience by making them feel like part of a conversation. Which is a bit sad. Don't you have any friends to have a real conversation with? Or are you like me, with no friends?
Anyway, bye.

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