Sunday, 28 November 2010


Over time a person's style changes and I feel the best way to think about all the different styles you've had is by imagining them as though your life was a range of different Barbie dolls (interestingly I actually once made a picture where my face was on Barbie's, but I won't post it here to protect my identity. And my dignity). For me there's Casual Algar, Primary School Algar, Year 7 uniform Algar, Punk Algar, Bizarre Algar with 4 jackets and a tie on at once, Watched to much How I Met Your Mother and suited up Algar, Topless with crocs Algar, Tall Algar (well, that will come), Bad gym clothes Algar, Cross-dressing for prom Algar and my most recent and unfortunate edition, Hipster Algar. This latest incarnation started without me really noticing at first, as I bought a grey blazer from a charity shop. I then proceeded to buy several Bob Dylan CD's and talked about several obscure bands you haven't heard of. Just to clarify, I'm not one of the ridiculous neckerchief wearing, 40s pompadour sporting hipsters. I merely dabble in the end of being a slightly obnoxious jerk. With a grey blazer.


Unknown said...

Have to ask: what was the point of this post? I mean, other than listing your styles, you didn't say anything - would like to have read how the styles evolved or why and how you felt/feel about them.

Aspie_rebel said...

Originally I think I was going to develop on the theme of the hipster sub-culture and also talk about the irony of someone without a social life being part of a social clique, but I seem to have forgotten to put a lot of this stuff in. I really need to make notes on this kind of thing when I think it.