So here we are, at the final non-post of the exam season. I'm posting early as I have an exam first thing tomorrow and have decided that despite the fact I could obviously do perfectly fine on the exam while comatose, what with how smart I am and everything, this would be rubbing it in for all the poor normals who can't match my wonderful brain. Also, I actually need to do well on the exam. But mostly the not wanting to rub it in thing. I sometimes wonder why anyone bothers to read my blog, as it can be quite accurately described as the ramblings of an egotistical, pretentious jackass. Which is also why I wonder why anyone listens to me during conversations.
The good news is tomorrow is my last exam, so hopefully next week's post will be at least three-quarter arsed instead of the current eighth arsed offerings. On that subject (the quality of the posts that is, not my arse) I have no subject for today's post, which probably doesn't surprise you. Fortunately for you you're online so can no doubt find a blog which does have a subject other than its own lack of subject. This is what happens when someone creates a personal blog yet refuses to write about his personal life. Or, in fact, lacks a personal life.
Anyway, hopefully next week's post will be better. Or at least slightly less bad.
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