Sunday, 11 March 2012


      I'm back from Switzerland and the LHC where I had a wonderful time and thought about many things. But as much as I'd love to do a post of the matter/antimatter asymmetry or the basics of field theory (which I really must research) I fear that the less scientifically inclined among you might go insane if I do another physics post. So, instead, I'll ask you something that got me thinking. How do you define right?
      You're probably thinking about moral relativism and possibly the idea that morality is but a human construct. Stop doing that. Let me ask you the same question in a different way: How do you define left? Imagine you had to explain, without visual cues, the concept of left to someone completely unaware of it. I have absolutely no idea how to do it, so I'm kind of hoping you can do it for me. Also, did you like how I did that misdirect with the define right thing? I guess it's not too hard to define annoying little prick.

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