While grasping at truly poor ideas for blog posts I came up with hats. Then I remembered I'd already done a post on hats, so instead I'm writing about gloves, which I have absolutely no opinions about whatsoever, but they're kind of like hats for your hands. Kind of. The crap you readers put up with from me really is unbelievable, I mean I'm about to try to write about gloves and you're still reading, what the hell?
But, urm, yeah. Gloves. They keep your hands and fingers warm. Unless they're fingerless gloves, in which case they just keep the rest of your hand warm. Though I think the warmer blood-flow might help your fingers a bit. Oh, and if you wear gloves when it's not winter you'll look all serial-killery.
I guess one interesting contribution I can make about gloves is that I can't wear a lot of gloves due to my freakish fingernail. So that's something, I guess.
I'm going to go ahead and blame the low quality of this and upcoming posts on my exam revision, even though we both know that's a filthy lie, at least it's a lie that makes you feel better about me.
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