Sunday, 15 July 2012


      So I recently went to a nightclub, or discotheque, or whatever the youngsters are calling them these days. I did this mainly because I'm a big believer in the idea of trying everything once (except incest and morris dancing), including paying money to enter a building with overpriced drinks. My first point I'm going to make is that you people without sensory overload issues are missing out; nightclubs are like shots of distilled autistic awesomeness. Secondly, I've always been a big fan of dancing. Well, I say dancing. For those of you who have not been privileged enough to witness the splendour that is me dancing a good approximation is a gerbil on speed; standing on a trampoline and who thinks The Exorcist was a dance instruction film. I should also point out that to fully get into the whole "dance like no one's watching" thing, I find it useful to pull my hair onto my face so that as far as I'm aware no one is watching, adding to the whole look of crazy. This brings me to my final point, which is about how I enjoy making people ask questions about humanity, society and themselves. Basically I like "freaking out the establishment", or, more accurately, "freaking out whoever happens to be standing near me". As it turns out, nightclubs are perfect for this, as they are basically buildings dedicated to conformity. People dress the same way, listen to the same music and follow the same social code, which is great fun.
      All in all I was left with the feeling that most of the other patrons didn't understand how hilarious the whole situation was. But I am happy to have experienced it, for, as is oft repeated by many a young woman, inebriated and in search of an excuse for immoral behaviour, YOLO.

1 comment:

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