Sunday, 5 August 2012


      Hello, a few of you might think I forgot to post a blog this week, due to some sort of memory lapse on my part. However, as you can clearly see, I did post a blog last week. Urm, this week. So the memory lapse is clearly on your part for forgetting I'd already done the post, silly you.
      Anyway, today's post is about marriage. Yesterday (wow, it was only yesterday? Feels like it was a week ago) my brother got married, so well done to him, and commiserations to his new wife.
      So, marriage, is it good? The short answer, as with all my blog posts, is how the bloody hell should I know? But, to make this post more interesting we're going to suspend disbelief for a bit and pretend I have the slightest clue I know what I'm talking about, just like every other week. So, marriage. Marriage is an important part of our culture and is often considered a logical part of almost everyone's life, although this has changed a lot in recent years. The main question about marriage is why, as in why do people get married? The obvious answer is to express their love for one another, perhaps before the eyes of God or whoever else's eyes they want to do it before. And, as cynical as I'd like to come off as, this is a perfectly valid reason. It is a rather cyclical reason, of course, as it only expresses a person's love because we say it expresses a person's love, so it's kind of pointless in that respect, which is why many people are against it. To those people I say chill out. Of course it's a pointless ritual with only the importance we imbue it with, but if you've got a problem with that you're not going to do to well with any of this love stuff.
      I guess my point here is that the fact that marriage is essentially irrational doesn't make it a poor way of expressing love, it makes it the perfect, most poetic way of expressing it, because, not wanting to sound like a rubbish romance writer, love is irrational. I don't just mean that it makes you do irrational things, I mean that love, as well as all other emotions, is irrational by their very nature. In fact, they are more than just irrational, because that would imply their exists something similar that could be rational. Without any sort of grand plan or meaning of life agreed upon no action or emotion can possibly be even slightly rational, because rationality must be defined against some sort of aim.
      I think what I'm saying, in a very roundabout way, is that not only is marriage silly and brilliant, but so is basically everything, so let's all just be chill about it, okay?

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