I have decided show what the world would be like without autism. People with autism include Gary Numan, British singer and songwriter, Craig Nicholls, frontman of the Australian garage rock band The Vines, Vernon L. Smith, Nobel Laureate in economics, Heather Kuzmich, fashion model and reality show contestant on America's Next Top Model (pictured, because I really should have a picture of someone, so why not make it a model?) , Satoshi Tajiri, creator and designer of Pokémon Pocket Monsters,Daryl Hannah, American actress best known for her roles in Splash, Blade Runner and Kill Bill.
People who may be autistic but where it is hard to find a diagnosis include Steven Spielberg, Dan Aykroyd, Syd Barret, Michael Palin, Bill Gates (they can't all be winners) and many others.
People from history who are speculated to have been autistic include Mozart, Michelangelo, Newton, Darwin, Orwell, Einstein, and anyone else who was ever important ever. However, how many of them actually were is a matter of dispute i.e. a couple of people look at everyone important in history and say "hey, look, this guy was shy, he must have been autistic" and no one takes them seriously.
The two to be taken most seriously are probably Newton and Einstein as their personality traits closely mirror those of autism. A case against Einstein being on the spectrum states that he had a good sense of humour, which he couldn't possibly have had if he were autistic, as we all don't understand humor, and we all see in just ones and zeros. Also, we don't understand sarcasm.
(due to several NT's inability to understand sarcasm I have decided to put a mention of the fact that some of the above text is humorous and should not be taken internally or literally. (that was also intended to be humorous, as I was using word play. OK Kenny?))(so just to clarify, some aspies can understand sarcasm and humor. NT's on the other hand, i'm not to sure about anymore.)
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