Anyway, I think I did quite well today, though I don't actually care. This isn't just because I know I will do well or an attempt to be rebellious, I just don't care as it makes no difference to my life whatsoever. Yet so many people worry about them. I was MSN'ing a couple of people (my entire readership at the time of writing) yesterday and the first things they said to me were "worrying about sats" and "good luck tomorrow", but I still don't get why they care. Not only that, but one of them after saying how they thought they needed to revise more was instead
Eating chocolate and watching corrie
(that was supposed to come out in blockquotes) Which is a tad counter-productive, though I actually think revising is pretty pointless. But if you are worrying that you haven't revised enough you should probably revise.
Anyway, this posting was really boring I know, but seeing as it mentioned it should keep them happy. On the whole, I like to inform the world of important things happening in my life.
This wasn't one of them.
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