Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Algar in Wonderland by Livvy part three


The book I'm referring to for main points in this story is a bit of a
bizarre version, although obviously not as bizarre as this version. I
wasn't aware that some of these events actually happened, but there we
are. All set for the next part.

Chapter 3 - A Caucus Race

It was a very odd party of creatures that gathered in the garden,
although none of them odder than Algar. They were all dripping wet and
very uncomfortable from the swim across Algar's tears. This
particularly upset Algar as he seemed to be more sensitive to
sensations such as this, which of course he put down to his Autism.
The next train of thought was how to get dry. 'The best thing' said a
Dodo, 'would be a caucus race!'
'Don't be ridiculous' said Algar, who'd had quite enough of these
irritating animals. Before he'd had a change to properly argue his
case, the animals had set off. Algar found this thoroughly unfair, and
demanded they slow down. This didn't happen, and so he had to try his
very best to catch up. A difficult task, as he was wearing trousers
which had been safety pinned together along with his leather hat and
several jackets. He had not dressed appropriately to take part in
competitive sport. He managed to sprint over to the others in time for
the end of the race, as the Dodo called out the name of the winners.
They all gathered around Algar demanding prizes. 'This isn't my bloody
job! You're not even real, you can't win things, or lose things,
you're just a figment of my imagination.' He gave in to the animals,
and eventually presented each one of them with a guitar pick. As the
animals had never played guitar, they found these prizes rather
useless, however they kept quiet as they did not want Algar to get
upset again.
'I wish I had my computer with me' said Algar. 'That would soon help
me find where the rabbit has gone'.
'What's a computer?' asked a bird from above Algar, but before he
could answer, all the animals had disappeared.

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