Sunday, 17 October 2010


My little finger on my right hand has a long nail on it. Freakishly long. Here's a photo:
Note the handy reference coin. It's length from base to tip (bet that's the first time you've seen those words on a website that doesn't check that you're over 18 before going on) is just a bit less than 4.5 cm, or 1.75 inches.
You might be wondering why. If not take this chance to wonder why. The answer is, I'm not quite sure. I grew it a bit, then I continued to grow it. After a while it got to a point where I couldn't cut it as it would feel a waste of all the time I'd spent growing it.
So now I'm stuck with a nail that looks creepy and doesn't really serve any purpose. It means I can't make a fist, which I guess could help me if I develop anger management issues.
I had a point about this, but I can no longer recall it and as I have quite a bit of work to do I can't rewrite this post. So I'll go with it anyway.
Urm, I can paint it. I'm thinking of doing it as a rainbow. Also, there's a crack in it that I got around Easter time.
Seriously, I had a point to this. I wouldn't just write about my nail without a point. Let's just assume it was a good point and you can go away feeling inspired and enlightened.
Okay, how about a double competition: Best suggestion for what to paint my nail and best suggestion for what my point might be. The winner of both these will win, ur, a rubbish drawing by me. I really must think of better prizes. Submissions in comments. Closes two blogs from now. If I get no submissions (or just rubbish ones) I'll just draw a rubbish picture for myself. Then feel sad that I have no one to give said picture to.
Until next week goodbye. Unless I see you in real life before then, but let's face it, what are the chances of that?

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