Saturday, 23 October 2010

Saturday post

I'm posting a day early as I am going on holiday tomorrow (which is actually today) and I won't have the internet. Unfortunately I haven't actually come up with a topic for this post and seeing as it's 20 past midnight and I am yet to pack, I might not bother to come up with one.
But before I write about nothing, I would like to announce a sad passing. Some of you might remember last week's post about my finger nail. Well, since then the end of my nail has broken off. It's tragic really. I guess the moral of this tale is that if I blog about something it will break off, which is an excellent reason for me to not post about more 'personal' body parts.
So, onto the post.

Yep, I'm going to start right now.

Any second now...

Isn't it a nice day out? Why are you spending your time online when you could be frolicking through the hills or fields?  Go out, the internet will still be here when you get back.

No, it's not just that I can't be bothered to write a post.

Anyway, I'll be back next week and hopefully you will be too.

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