Sunday 19 February 2012

I had a good title, then realised I was using a word incorrectly, now I have no title. Except this meta-title.

      You may remember that I previously had an existential crisis, which I've now, for the most part, gotten over. Kind of. But more importantly, I now have an exciting new crisis. Unfortunately I realised that I'd been using the wrong name for it and I can't seem to find a correct term for it. It's similar to existential nihilism, but it's not quite the same. Basically, it's the whole thing where we're all going to die and relatively soon. Well, relative to something of greater time. Obviously this is hardly a shocking new revelation, but for some reason it's something I've been thinking about more recently. The issue is it both motivates me to live my life, "why not, you'll die soon anyway", and holds me back, "why bother, you'll die soon anyway". The real issue is that these two things cancel each other out, making me seem boring. Due to the whole looking up the name of this crisis thing I've now ran out of time.

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