Monday, 14 July 2008

School B

After not posting for ages I have finally got a suggestion for a post. It was something to do with school, though I'm going to change it slightly.
For privacy reasons I am not going to disclose the names of any of my schools, instead we'll call them schools A,B and C. A was my primary school, B was a mainstream secondary school I went to for year 7, and school C is my current school. For this post I am going to focus on school B. But first a very short intro to explain who I was at the end of school A. I was violent, had a disregard for rules, had no friends and was used to a relatively quiet school. Then I went to highschool.
at first this was fine, but soon the kind of behaviour I could get away with what to me was minor punishment became a problem. Behaviour like swearing, threatening or just straight out assault. This got me into some trouble, along with the school body being unable to understand or meet my needs. This wasn't the only problem for me.
I was in a school way to big for me, always moving between lessons and in close quarters with about thirty other students. I was getting pretty stressed, and eventually depressed. After awhile I decided life was pointless and made several suicide attempts. I'd tighten my school tie around my neck and pass out. I think sometimes I just did it for the buzz.
during the most serious attempt I can remember I fastened one end of my tie around the top of a bed leg and the other around my neck. I passed out quickly and would probably have died if my brother hadn't come in and untied me. for the next few weeks my eyes were seriously bloodshot.
Eventually my parents and the school got me out using statements which essentially made me look like a psychopath. For all I know I may have been one. My parents got me a placement at school C, and after a year, my time at school B was over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

School B FTW.