Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Algar in Wonderland by Livvy part four

Chapter 4 - The White Rabbit's House.
As the creatures left, the long hall vanished and the White Rabbit
appeared. 'Mary Anne!' he snapped, when he saw Algar. 'Run home and
fetch me some gloves and a fan.'
'He thinks I'm his maid! What a cheeky sod..I know I've got long hair,
but I don't look that much like a girl! That's stepping the line, he'd
better watch himself even closer than before, stupid rabbit.'
Nevertheless, Algar ran off in the direction that the rabbit had
pointed. Soon he came to a small house with 'W. Rabbit' written on the
front door. Racing in, past the hatstand which Algar noticed was
sporting some glorious hats, he found a fan and some gloves on a table.
He was about to leave, when he saw a bottle. This time, it looked more
like a bottle of beer, and it had no label so he just drank it. He
thought that if he was going to have to spend a substantial amount of
time in this place, he'd rather do it under the influence. He had
barely drank half the bottle, when surprisingly something strange
happened. It was like the drink in that other peculiar room, it had
made Algar grow to a freakishly large size, even larger than before.
He kept on growing and growing until his arms and legs were sticking
out of the windows.
'MARY ANN!' called the Rabbit crossly, 'WHERE ARE MY GLOVES?'.
Algar was getting sick of this White Rabbit, it really was
disrespectful. How dare anyone speak to him like that? Algar had of
course forgotten that he was almost 12 times larger than the rabbit
now, and could do with him what he wished. When the rabbit tried to
open the door, he couldn't, because Algar's elbow was firmly in the
way. This was the case with all of the entrances to the house, each
part blocked due to Algar's presence.
'Pat! Where are you?', the Rabbit shouted, and Algar heard a new voice
reply 'Over here sir!'
'Well, tell me,' asked the Rabbit, 'what's in this window?'
'An arm, sir' said the voice.
'An arm, you goose!' said the Rabbit. 'Whoever saw one that size? Take
it away!'
Algar thought this was terribly rude of the Rabbit. He knew he had
grown to an irregular size, but he didn't feel that discrimination was
in order. The Rabbit had dropped to a new low, he thought. He thought
about pointing out the fact that rabbits do not have hands, therefore
the Rabbit will never be able to properly wear these gloves. However,
he soon thought better of this remark when he heard the Rabbit sending
whoever this new voice belonged to down the chimney.
'Bill! Go down the there', the Rabbit yelled. Algar waited until he
heard a little animal scrabbling inside the chimney and gave a sharp
There was silence for a moment, then a shower of pebbles came
rattling through the window. To Algar's surprise, they turned into
'If I eat them,' he thought, 'they're bound to change my size, or at
least affect my mental state so that I won't care about my size.'
Algar shrank at once. As soon as he could fit through the door, he
fled, slightly disappointed at the fact that the cakes had mad him
shrink, and not affect his mental state.
'The first thing I have to do,' he said to himself as he caught his
breath, 'is to grow to my right size. Or maybe slightly taller, I much
preferred that bizarre look to this one. Then I have to find a way
into that bloody amazing garden. I might ring Garden Force and get
them to do my garden like that, it's well good.'
It was an excellent plan. The only problem was how to do it. 'I
suppose I should eat or drink something,' he said. 'But what?' Algar
looked around and saw a mushroom. Standing on tiptoes, he peered over
the edge to see a large caterpillar, quietly minding its own business.

It's the second best bit (next to the tea party, of course)! Everyone
loves the caterpillar. The next post will be chapter 5 and 6.
Obviously things to tend to work better when done in order.


Anonymous said...

Livvy sounds hot.

Aspie_rebel said...

You've based this on a rewriting of a Lewis Carol story?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be so sure to be honest.