Sunday, 22 August 2010

Social skills

I like socialising. From hanging out in a field, to getting drunk at a party, to discussing the significance of the Socratic method in modern society, I enjoy the company of others.
It's just difficult. When I don't know how people will respond, I become very aware of myself and constantly feel awkward, as though my actions could offend anyone at any time.
And it's not just me. Social phobia is the second most common phobia, after arachnophobia. The thing is, people suck with people. When they're not completely comfortable around someone new, they forget how they're supposed to behave. We start impersonating human beings. Which shouldn't be too hard, we see them all the time in films and on T.V.
The only real difference between aspies and N.T.s in socialising is that N.T.s do better impressions of being human.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, your social skills suck.

This post made much more sense in my head. The original plan was to write something light about autism, but it seems to have ended up with me insulting the social skills of all people. And if my web counter is to be believed, people make up a large section of my readership.
Anyway, if you don't feel too insulted by me pointing out your lack of social skills, leave a comment with your thoughts. And if you do feel insulted, leave a comment with your thoughts. Or click one of the sharing buttons below, so your friends get to feel insulted too. Everyone likes sharing, and everyone loves people who share. And want to have their babies. Seriously, not sharing would just be dumb. Just press a couple of buttons and an infinite supply of happiness could be yours! What are you waiting for?

(How's that for some reader involvement?)

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