Saturday, 4 September 2010

Summer's end

So summer has finished. You may remember me writing a post at the beginning of summer, which went a little something like this.
So what have I accomplished this summer? Well I went 61 hours without sleep, followed by 27 hours with just sleep, I got my GCSE results and I wrote about shoelaces (which, by the way, lead to a response from the worlds' leading expert on the subject, Ian Fieggen. Contrary to the impression you might have got from my post, Ian actually seems like a pretty cool guy. If you do need any information about shoelaces then his website is the definitive resource on the subject. Anyway, I'll move on now, before I start seeming creepy.)
Anyway, I basically did nothing with my summer, as I expected. You might notice that I'm posting this on Saturday instead of Sunday. The reason for this is that I don't want to have to be doing my blog tomorrow night as I have English coursework due in on Monday. Yes, I've done so little these last six weeks that I haven't even managed to start work on my coursework. I hope my English teacher doesn't read my blog (it seems unlikely that she does.). It shouldn't be hard though, I've only got to write about 6 pages on some poems that I mostly haven't read. But when I put my mind to something like this, it shouldn't take me too long. Though it has taken me nearly an hour to write this post so far.
Wow, that was a bit of a pointless ramble, wasn't it?
What I have done is watch the first season of How I Met Your Mother about 5 times. Of course I don't like it, much too produced and American sit-comy for me. *cough*
On the social side of things, I failed to do almost anything social. In total I did one thing which could definitely be considered social. I haven't had a proper conversation with anyone outside of my family for over two weeks. Though I did talk to someone since then, in a a "Hi, how have you been?" "Fine" capacity. This was at a small, one day music festival, which is something else I did. I went.
So that was my summer, at least most of it. Now school again.

Also, did anyone else find this post really boring? I hate personal blogs. Hopefully I'll have a more interesting blog post up next week.


Unknown said...

I find it interesting that you mention watching How I Met Your Mothe and not liking it but where do you tell us you just ordered the first 5 series?

Aspie_rebel said...

Urm, I ran out of space.